Pig Hearts for Children in Need

THE MIT Technology Review reports that eGenesis Bio, a company founded by George Church aims to transplant pig hearts into kids in 2024


Imagine a world where babies with heart defects can be saved by a simple transplant. No longer would they have to wait for a human heart to become available, or risk dying on the waiting list. This is the future that eGenesis is working towards, and they’re on track to make it a reality as early as next year.


eGenesis is a biotechnology company that has been developing gene-edited pig hearts for transplantation into humans. They’ve made significant progress in recent years, and they’re now confident that their technology is safe and effective. In fact, they’re already in the process of conducting clinical trials in baboons, and they expect to start human trials in the near future.

If eGenesis is successful, their technology could revolutionize the field of transplantation. It would provide a new source of organs for patients who are in desperate need, and it would help to save countless lives.


eGenesis is a company with the potential to change the world, and I’m excited to see it.

I believe that xenotransplantation is the future of transplantation, and I’m confident that organ replacement will make a major impact on the lives of millions of people. If you’re interested in being a part of this revolution, then contact us.